Hmmm i havent seen anyone do this b4 sooo i was ok let me show people what i have lol plus i just cleaned it haha!!
ok soo in the first section i has!!!....

these little bottles that i got from a hotel when we went to Disneyland earlier this year!! (C'mon you take the little shampoo's too!! Dooont Lie!!) lol but yeah they smell sooo good i checked out the website and they sell FULL SIZESS!!! they smell so good! i took these because they DO smell good unlike some others that smells like regular soap!!! that's the only thing i like about Hotels!! :P
ok soo next i have this Neutrogena deep clean wave.. you know what? i really don't know why this is here... lol i haven't used it in 2 YEARS!! i bought it when it first came out! and when i ran out of the little circle strips.. i was ehh.. i don't wanna waste money on them soo i stopped using them! :P but i liked it while it lasted!! its just sitting there and maybe i'll use it again some day!!!
i have this EOS lip balm! in here when i do my skin care routine and afer i wash my teeth i apply my lip balm!!! this thing smells sooo good!!! and it DOES moisturize your LIPPS!!! im actually running out of this! i need to get some more !! i have all of them i like this one and the green one! i forgot the names!!
sooo i ain't shy to say i have this here!! lol is Avons Skin so soft facial hair remover
for my upper lip... and u know what i hardly use it.. rememeber when people say that ur hair (anywhere) will come out again but THICKER?... Lies... all... Lies.... lol it takes for me to grow it out for like 2 months.. lol i mean in the first place u can hardly see it anyways.. i didn't needed it.. but i was like hmmm let me try it.. haha
i recently bought this at rite aid .. since my skin right now is pretty bad with breakouts and dryness.. i love using this to exfoliate my face and sometimes my lips it takes all the BLAH... out! haha but u have to be careful using this because i may be too rough for your skin! wash your face with CARE!! :)
i LOVE this this is like my 5th bottle of this!!! they are cleansing pads! that has 2% salicylic acid!
which is good!! Salicylic acid is an ingredient that helps heal your breakouts!!! and i got this when i was 40% OFF at rite aid!!! SCORE

and NOW!! the Second ROW!!!

an OXY Face wash i got from a set it really small and this has 5% salicylic acid! its a clear gel cleanser so this DOES make alot of bubbles!!! really refreshing for those hot days!!
now these are face washes too from the same brand but these have 10% Benzoyl Peroxide which is the HIGHEST % of benzoyl peroxide they can sell with out being over the counter! Benzoyl Peroxide is Basically an ingredient that goes down deep n the pore where the pimple is and kills the bacteria ! and it really works well with my skin!
LOVE this this is clean and clear persa-gel 10 which is a spot treatment that has 10% benzyol peroxide and it gets rid of pimples b4 they surface as a big ugly red thing on your face!!
clean and clear Finishes pore perfection Moisturizer i haven't used it yet! it came free with the persa gel above!
omg! EVERYONE Has to have this around either in their bathroom or bedroom!!! sometimes u can poked with your eye brushes or mascara wands when your are doing your makeup!! or.. when your eyes are randomly red... :P
LOVE LOVE LOVE This lotion that i got from bath and body works! orange sapphire ! mmm smmmmellls gooooood!!!
the BEST Deodorant EVER!! lol they all smell soo good !! it smell soo good that u dont have to put on bodyspray because when u lift ur arms the scent is strong !! haha it smells soo good
now for some hair Serum!! i like this ! thins thing lasted us like 3 to 4 years!! yah!! u only use like 3 tiny drops and your hair is soooo SHINY!!!! Loves it!!!

THE LAST ONE i Promise!!!
hahah the Last.. section!!!
pink perfume spray.. i hardly ever use this because to me the scent is too sweet and strong for me !!! but my little sis uses it when she goes to school !!!
my TOOTHPASTE!! lol excited much?
well i love this paste because it makes your teeth "whiter" lol and i like fresh mint flavor not spearmint.. ewww. blahg!! :) and these are cheap too like 3 bucks for it ! especially at walmart!!
i LOVE the Scent of SUNCREEN!! it reminds me of summer, or going to the city Pool!!! love it love it love it!!! and such a beach gal!! i have to put on sunscreen all the time as well u should even tho u are going to be outside for 20 mins u can still get sun damage!!! :)
Love this Moisturizer!! i use it every night and day!!! its not too thick or too light! juuust right!!! i got this at rite aid for like 5 bucks!! and i has 10oz soo it very inexpensive for the amount that u get!!!
my Scrubbies!!! lol i also got this at rite aid ..(i get everything at rite aid lol ) for 5 bucks its the same amount!! too 10 oz. and your skin feels soo fresh and clean !! i use it like once week!! when i need it when i feel my skin needs it!!! i loves it!!!
love this oil!! i use it when my hair is damp and put it on my split ends and make the appear like i dont have any!!!
Mmmmmary Kaaaaayyy... lol have u guys seen that Mary kay movie with Shirley McClain and Shannen Doherty? and Shannen had a accent that was soo funny!! lol well anyways me and my sis were going to sell mary kay but we did had money to buy products and the sell them! so we just kept these!! and i love this cleanser!! time wise line is amazing leaves your skin soo soft!!!
and heres my july favs!!!
ok!!! soo that is it!!! omg such a long post!! i know!!!! lol Thanks for taking a look !!! <3!!!
and if u have any similar stuff i have in my bathroom tell me!! comment beloww!!